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Mimetime Blog

Screen Shot 2015-03-31 at 11.30.41 AMOk this has nothing to do with MimeTime, face painting or anything else I currently do, but has lots to do with my former professional life! I don’t know about any one else but I think this is really cool!Thousand-year-old Anglo-Saxon potion kills MRSA superbug

visit out homepage for fun ideas for your next party! https://mimetime.com

talking twisting bunny

talking twisting bunny

I had a request for an Easter Bunny that can talk and twist balloons. Not an easy thing when you are wearing a large mascot head and big hand mitts!

full mascot head bunny

full mascot head bunny


Now I have 2 Easter Bunnies, the traditional mascot head and the talking, twisting bunny. Which one do you like?




lego manIt's fun to create new balloon sculptures! Todays party theme: Legos. This little balloon lego guy will be presented to the birthday boy as part of the "Big Birthday Party Show". Learn more about birthday party programs: https://mimetime.com/birthday-parties/  


What a wonderful holiday season this has been! Our first elf gig wasCherry Creek Shopping Mall on Nov 6 and we have been very busy elves ever since. Tonight it’s Handwriting Analysis at a Masquerade ball. Very excited to see how the guests will be dressing and masks they will be wearing, for me… the little black dress will do.

Wishing you all a very happy New Year. Have fun partying, be safe and be responsible.



DSCN2187Wishing you a very happy Chanukah

Screen Shot 2014-12-16 at 12.49.13 PM

A cold night at the zoo, Playing with kids…….
Child: “you’re not an Elf”
Me: “I’m not? Then what I’m I?”
Child: “You’re a X-mas Tree!”



Cherry Creek Shopping Mall

Mimetime is now in full swing, providing Colorado with some of Denver’s best talent! Just to share we have been balloon twisting, face painting, our psychics have been doing readings, and Edweena Elf even did signing elf with a signing Santa at Cherry Creek Mall! Lots of juggling events this year and even our stilt walking x-mas tree has made an Southlands Mall, Parade of Lightsappearance! We have been at a variety of themed events such as Western, The Night Circus, X-mas lights, Wizard of Oz, Victorian and the Nut Cracker. We have done charity events, huge corporate events, mall gigs, and Chanukah parties.

We would love to be at your party too.

If you have not booked your entertainers for your holiday party or News Years Eve party, It’s not to late, call us today! We still have award winning talent available to match your needs. WOW your Guests with Denver’s Best!

www.MimeTime.com 303-753-1011X-mas entertainment




The Ice Palace at Cherry Creek Shopping Center opens today! Grand opening starts at 4:30. This years theme for the Ice Palace…… Frozen. Stop by, enjoy the festivities and get a balloon from Edweena Elf.


Blood✔︎, Zombie Skin✔︎, Latex ✔︎, and Maggots✔︎ must be October. Fire and Ice, Young and Old who doesn’t love getting painted for Halloween and Dia De Los Muertos.
I love painting siblings in matching masks. Although I was caught off guard with a request for Anna, I do think it worked well.IMG_1248sugar skulls face painting brother and sister Elsa and Anna sisters face painting Devil face paint stylized cat mask face paint baby pumpkin face paint Zombie face paint


Missed you all!
Nov starts with a new computer and the ability to once again get things done. October was busy. I have lots of face painting and balloon pictures to share. I am often asked “what do kids request the most” my reply is almost always “What ever they just saw”. This past month it was Elsa and Olof for both balloons and face painting. I love seeing kids hug their balloons.

Cinderella and ChildMinnie Mouse and child Elmo and childsugar skulls face painting brother and sisterIMG_1248Elsa and Anna sisters face paintingDevil face paintbaby pumpkin face paintstylized cat mask face paintZombie face paint

